
Keith Malloy

Q: Where is your favorite place to surf?


A: Home, if I’m on the road; Tahiti!


Q: If you could do anything better, what would it be?


A: I could do everything better. My surfing where I want it to be; I want to be able to hold my breath longer for diving, and I want to get two legs more often roping.


Q: Who are your heroes?


A: My heroes are all the unsung legends who were the best at what they did but never got publicity. Also anybody who doesn't have to use a cell phone is my hero.


Q: What sound or noise do you love?


A: I love the sound of offshore wind blowing and waves blowing and my kids laughing.


Q: What would be your day job if you weren’t doing what you are currently doing?


A: Lifeguard


Q: If you could bring anybody in the world with you to do what you love (dead or alive), who would it be?


A: I would take my grandfathers surfing; I never got to show them what I love.