Q: What goes through your head when you first wake up in the morning when you go fishing?
A: I don’t think you really want to know the answer to that. As far as market activity I’m trying to figure out what my girls would like for snacks or dinner. I know we need milk, eggs and cereal most of the time. I could always use more limes and club soda. I seem to be out of that all the time. So the answer you are probably looking for is - I think about how I am going to accomplish the goal for the day. And that, for me, is catching fish. But, depending on where I am, the goal is different. If I am I looking to catch a bluefin tuna on spin gear off Cape Cod or bonefish on the flats in the Bahamas, there are different things I have to prepare. Boats and tackle but its always the same frame of mind. Some people say that there is more to fishing than just catching but I really like the catching so that is what I focus on.
Q: Where is your favorite place to fish?
A: Its called the Aspens Market. Its half way between Teton Village and the town of Jackson. The truth of the matter is I don’t really have a favorite place. For the most part fish are found in some pretty amazing places I like fishing new places but there is nothing like coming home.
Q: If you could do anything better, what would it be?
A: Run my business. I spend way too much time doing what I am passionate about, fishing, and not enough time trying to run my business, which pays the bills.
Q: Who are your heroes?
A: In the fishing world that’s an easy one for me. When I first met Jose Wejebe I was a young fly fisherman seeking a new frontier in Crooked Island doing a some fishing on the flats. But, over the years he mentored me into a new world of fishing; from inshore and reef fishing, to the world of offshore fishing. The insight he provided during those 10 to 12 years has helped me become the angler I am. He taught me how to apply what I have learned in one place and take it to a new destination. More importantly is what I took away from all those years was his willingness to share with me what he knew. Now I make it a goal to share with my friends and other anglers what I have learned over the years, it’s paying it forward.
Q: If there is any love-hate relationship with any aspect of what you do, can you describe what that is?
A: It takes time away from my family.
Q: What sound or noise do you love?
A: The sound of my girls laughter and the drag on a reel.
Q: What would be your day job if you weren’t doing what you currently doing?
A: I don’t think that is an option….I tried that before.
Q: If you could bring anybody in the world with you to do what you love (dead or alive), who would it be?
A: I would bring Santiago to do what we both love. But I always wished for a different outcome. For anyone that has read “The Old Man and the Sea” you know what I mean.